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The UG celebrates International Women’s Day

08 March 2023

8 March is International Women's Day; a day dedicated to women's rights and the fight for equality worldwide. On this day, we reflect on the progress that has been made and the steps we still need to take, and also celebrate the women of the UG, from our students to researchers and support staff.


Research on women's rights and gender and equality is being conducted across a variety of scientific disciplines. Are you curious about what is being studied? Take a look at the following articles, for example:

• Charmaine Borg, assistant professor of Clinical Psychology (Behavioural and Social Sciences), calls for equality—also between the sheets.

• Donya Ahmadi, assistant professor of International Relations (Arts) is researching the feminist protests in Iran during the 20th and 21st centuries.

• Jacqueline Klooster, assistant professor of Greek Languages and Cultures (Arts), is exploring Greek myths with a contemporary perspective and female point of view.

Last modified:12 March 2024 09.20 a.m.
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