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Press release: The UG invests in collaboration for the study of Frisian language and culture

19 October 2022
Dr. Anne Merkuur
Dr. Anne Merkuur

The UG Faculty of Arts has appointed Dr Anne Merkuur to further give form and content to teaching and research in the field of Frisian Language and Culture. Merkuur will be combining her new
position at the UG with her current appointment at the Fryske Akademy. Professor Thony Visser, Dean of the Faculty of Arts: ‘By appointing Anne Merkuur, we are not only investing in talent in the field of Frisian Studies, but also in the collaboration with our most important Frisian knowledge partner. This step represents a sustainable and future-proof way of assuming our responsibility for studying the Frisian language and culture.’

Nelleke IJssennagger-Van der Pluijm, Director of the Fryske Akademy: ‘Anne Merkuur’s appointment allows us to partner even more closely with the UG in conducting academic research into the Frisian language and culture, and training a new generation of researchers. We see this as an investment in knowledge for the future.

The appointment of Merkuur as from 1 December fills the space created by the retirement of Professor Goffe Jensma. Since Merkuur’s profile does not yet entirely meet the criteria for full professorship, she will be given the opportunity to gain more experience. In a few years, recruitment will once again take place for the chair position. For now, the executive tasks relating to the Frisian Language and Culture group will fall under the responsibility of Dr Joana Da Silveira Duarte, associate professor of Minorities and Multilingualism, as well as Professor of Multilingualism at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. This construction will strengthen the interdisciplinary collaboration between the UG via both the Faculty of Arts and Campus Fryslân, Fryske Akademy, and NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, and secure teaching and research in the field of Frisian language and culture.

To further define the partnership between these various knowledge institutes, a feasibility assessment for academic and post-academic teaching in the field of Frisian language and culture will
be carried out in consultation with the Province of Fryslân.

The Frisian deputy Sietske Poepjes expresses her appreciation of the new appointment: ‘The Province is happy to see a good new basis being laid for Frisian studies, both the academic side of teaching and research into Frisian. We want a stable position for Frisian studies in the academic world, to safeguard knowledge and research around our beautiful language. For the Province, it is essential that this should contribute to the protection and promotion of our language, and its
practical use in daily life. Dr Merkuur’s appointment allows us to work further towards this goal.”

Last modified:20 October 2022 11.36 a.m.
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