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Fourteen proposals awarded in Call for Proposals Visualization, Geo and Data Science 2021

20 January 2022

From the University of Groningen (UG) ICT multi-annual plan 2016-2020, a total of fourteen project proposals have been awarded to researchers at the UG and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).

In the 'Call for Proposals Visualisatie, Geo en Data Science 2021' CIT invited researchers to submit innovative project proposals that focus on visualization, geo and data science, which can make an important contribution to science. The proposals were assessed by a group of experts in the field of visualization, geo and data science from within and outside the UG.

Researchers of the awarded projects will receive a material budget of a maximum of € 3,000 and a maximum of 400 hours of support from CIT experts in the field of XR, data science geo data science and visualization.

Interdisciplinary project proposals

This year a remarkable number of interdisciplinary proposals were submitted. For example, there was a claim to expertise in both geo and data science. These projects have the potential to build new bridges between different scientific fields.

Awarded project proposals

The following proposals have been granted:

  1. House prices, mortgage credit and sentiment: a spatial analysis for the Netherlands
    Prof. dr. Dirk Bezemer - Faculty Economics and Business, Global Economics and Management

  2. Measuring and Imagining Space: linking geospatial measurements and virtual realities to support an iterative spatial design process
    Dr. ir. Gerd Weitkamp - Faculty of Spatial Sciences

  3. Improving quality and efficiency of care on ICUs using real-time predictions of infection-related consultations
    Prof. dr. Bhanu Sinha - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
    Maurits Renes - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Critical Care
    Christian Luz - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention

  4. Making and breaking eye-contact in virtual environments
    Gregory Mills, PhD - Faculty of Arts, Information Science

  5. David vs. Goliath: Shareholder activism and the role of online communities
    Marvin Hanisch - Faculty Economics and Business, Innovation management & Strategy
    Nicolai Fabian, MSc - Faculty Economics and Business, Innovation management & Strategy / Marketing

  6. Mapping Dutch shallow geothermal energy potential
    Dr. Johannes Miocic, PhD - Faculty of Science and Engineering, Geo-Energy

  7. The revolting body: Self-disgust as a key factor in anorexia nervosa
    Dr. Klaske Glashouwer - Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Clinical psychology & Experimental psychopathology

  8. Patients with multimorbidity and multiple healthcare providers in the UMCG and their predicted risk of healthcare utilization in the following year
    Prof. dr. Barbara van Munster - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG
    Liann Weil, PhD - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG

  9. Who stands up for the region? Regional representation in a parliament without regional seats
    Prof. dr. Caspar van den Berg - Campus Fryslân, Global and Local Governance
    Bram van Vulpen, PhD - Campus Fryslân, Global and Local Governance

  10. Do ‘eye’ see it all? Evaluating the effectiveness of visualizing student teachers’ gazing patterns to support classroom management strategy development in a VR-kindergarten classroom
    Dr. Jolien Mouw - Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, GION
    Dr. Marjon Fokkens-Bruinsma - Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Teacher Education

  11. Cultural ratcheting in the evolution of online fanfiction
    Federico Pianzola, PhD - Faculty of Arts, Computational linguistics

  12. Sense of Law
    Prof. dr. Jeanne Pia Mifsud Bonnici - Faculty of Law, Security Technology and ePrivacy
    Dr. Ritumbra Manuvie - University College Groningen, Security Technology and ePrivacy

  13. Longitudinal housing mixture and neighbourhood composition
    Dr. Richard Rijnks - Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Planning
    Stephen Sheppard - Williams College - Department of Economics

  14. Reaching into VR: Controlling an avatar in VR through reaching movements
    Dr. Raoul Bongers - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Human Movement Sciences
    Prof. dr. Claudine Lamoth - Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Human Movement Sciences


Questions about research data management, (geo) data science, XR, 3D and GIS? Please contact the Digital Competence Centre (DCC).

ICT Innovation Fund 2022 - 2026

The call for visualization, geo and data science was the last in the series that was financed from the UG ICT multi-annual plan 2016-2020. In order to continue to stimulate digital innovations, the university has established the ICT Innovation Fund 2022-2026. The ICT Innovation Fund provides opportunities for innovative ideas that can grow into innovative ICT projects, which can achieve the RUG's strategic goals. The innovative ideas can relate to both research and education. The ICT Innovation Fund offers support in the exploration of new technological solutions as well as their implementation.

Last modified:25 July 2023 2.13 p.m.
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