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Partial solar eclipse on 10 June can be seen with free eclipse glasses

02 June 2021
Free eclipse glasses

On Thursday 10 June, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in the Netherlands. The eclipse will start at 11.21 a.m., with a peak at 12.27 p.m. At 1.36 p.m., the eclipse will be over. This will be the last eclipse until 25 October 2022.

Free eclipse glasses

You cannot look at a solar eclipse without the right protection. To watch an eclipse, so-called eclipse glasses are needed. Eclipse glasses will be handed out at five locations on 10 June, from 10.30 a.m. onwards:

  • The rooftop of Forum Groningen
  • Academieplein, Broerstraat
  • Next to Zondag restaurant in the Noorderplantsoen
  • Next to Cafe ‘t Zielhoes in Noordpolderzijl
  • Lauwersnest activity centre, De Rug 1, Lauwersoog

The institutions that will be handing out the glasses assume that the eclipse fans will take the coronavirus measures and instructions from the volunteers at the UG Kapteyn Institute and the other participating locations into consideration. A special sun telescope will be available at the locations in order to watch the natural phenomenon. After receiving the eclipse glasses, every watcher must find their own watching spot, in line with the coronavirus measures.


The Kapteyn Institute will also broadcast a livestream from the Blaauw Observatory at Zernike Campus. The public are not permitted to attend in person due to the coronavirus pandemic. The livestream can be watched via the Facebook page: In the case of bad weather, a livestream from other parts of the world will be broadcast on this page instead.


Astronomer and computer scientist Dr Michael Wilkinson of the UG will give an introduction to the solar eclipse on Friday 4 June. His lecture will begin at 8 p.m. and can be followed via

Partial eclipse
Last modified:03 June 2021 2.26 p.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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