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Week 17: Lifelines COVID-19 cohort: investigating COVID-19 infection and its health and societal impacts in a Dutch population-based cohort

Open Access Publication of the Week
04 May 2021
Open Access

Katherine Mc Intyre, Pauline Lanting, Patrick Deelen, Henry H Wiersma, Judith M Vonk, Anil P S Ori, Soesma A Jankipersadsing, Robert Warmerdam, Irene van Blokland, Floranne Boulogne, Marjolein X L Dijkema, Johanna C Herkert, Annique Claringbould, Olivier Bakker, Esteban A Lopera Maya, Ute Bültmann, Alexandra Zhernakova, Sijmen A Reijneveld, Elianne Zijlstra, Morris A Swertz Sandra Brouwer, Raun van Ooijen, Viola Angelini, Louise H Dekker, Anna Sijtsma, Sicco A Scherjon, Cisca Wijmenga, Jackie A M Dekens, Jochen Mierau, H Marike Boezen, Lude Franke *

In: BMJ Open 2021;11:e044474. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044474

SHARE - Science in Healthy Ageing and healthcaRE. Department of Genetics

Franke, prof. dr. L.H.

prof. dr. L.H. (Lude) Franke
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About the Open Access Publication of the Week

Each week, the research institutes of the UMCG select a recent article by UMCG authors that is published in open access. In collaboration with the Central Medical Library, these publications are extensively communicated.

The initiative wishes to emphasize the relevance of open access publishing for the visibility of research.

Last modified:25 March 2024 4.00 p.m.
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