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10 Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships for the University of Groningen

12 februari 2021
Stockfoto wetenschappers in lab

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships, part of Horizon 2020, is a European funding scheme aimed at promoting researchers' mobility. It provides funding for 2-year postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of any age, nationality and discipline.

The University of Groningen has obtained a very good score in the 2020 call for proposals, doubling the European success rate. Ten researchers have been selected by the excellence of their projects by the European Commission to come to Groningen to develop their postdoctoral research projects with a UG supervisor: Oliver Lorscheid (Jaap Top and Jorge Perez), Qi Zhang (Ben Feringa), Joanna Sudyka (Simon Verhulst), Richa Pandey (Beatriz Noheda and Monica Acuautla), Joana Sabino Pinto (Martine Maan), Kasia Tych (Giovanni Maglia), Meagan Beatty (Sijbren Otto), Marijke Versteven (Jean Christophe Billeter), Cristina Pinna (Jan van der Harst), Elisa Palacino (Tomas la Cour Jansen).

The Individual Fellowships offer unique opportunities to Groningen senior researchers to attract promising fellows from all over the world, thus expanding their research capacity as well as building on their international network. This scheme will continue under Horizon Europe, the new European program for research and innovation 2021-2027, with the name of Postdoctoral Fellowships. It is expected that the next call for proposals will be published in April 2021 and the deadline will be in September 2021.

If you need further information, please contact your Faculty Funding Officer or Gema Ocana.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 februari 2021 12:58
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