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Oscar Couwenberg appointed Honorary Professor at the UG/Campus Fryslân

29 September 2020

Professor Oscar Couwenberg was appointed Honorary Professor of Corporate Governance at the University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân. Couwenberg was previously the Dean of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen and is currently a member of the Executive Board of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.

University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân Dean, Prof. Andrej Zwitter: ‘I am looking forward to collaborating with Prof. Couwenberg. His appointment will help to further strengthen the bond between the University of Groningen and NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. It will also contribute to finding new ways to collaborate within education.’

Currently, the UG/CF and NHL Stenden are collaborating on Master’s degree programmes and a number of researchers are connected to both knowledge institutions. The Centre for Internationalisation in Education is also a joint initiative. As honorary professor, Couwenberg will be involved in the development of new degree programmes, such as the Bachelor’s programme in Data Science & Society, among others, and he will give guest lectures to students.

Professor Oscar Couwenberg
Professor Oscar Couwenberg

The fact that Couwenberg is familiar with both knowledge institutions is of added value. ‘It is an honour to remain connected to the university in which my passion for Corporate Governance first arose. As a member of the Executive Board of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, I am committed to creating a region that is bustling with knowledge development. I am looking forward to contributing to this as an honorary professor at Campus Fryslân,’ comments Couwenberg.

Oscar Couwenberg is a member of the Executive Board of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and Professor of Corporate Governance. He started his career at the University of Groningen in 1990, focusing on (financial) business economics and governance. He also held numerous administrative positions in three faculties.

Last modified:29 September 2020 4.32 p.m.
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