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Call for papers EARLI SIG 10/21/25

14 January 2020

Process-oriented research on learning in contemporary society

People learn through interaction. Both inside and outside educational institutions, interactions are especially relevant for learning. Within these interactions, factors like artifacts, a shared frame of reference, and a more general educational and societal context play an important role. The shared conference of EARLI SIG 10, 21 and 25 investigates a process-oriented approach to learning. Central to the conference are methodological and theoretical approaches for tracing learning in interaction and linking micro-level processes within the sequential organization of interaction to macro level (learning) outcomes. Furthermore, two aspects of contemporary society are emphasized: the use of digital technologies, with a focus on their role in learning and interaction, and the reciprocal relationship between interactional dynamics and the opportunities and challenges of multicultural and multilingual society.

Prof. Dr. Maaike Hajer (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, University of Malmö) and dr. Sara Hennessy (Cambridge University) will provide keynote lectures. The conference will stimulate active participation between and within all three organizing SIGs. Therefore, the conference starts with interactive workshops, followed by a great variety of sessions, with ample opportunity for discussion.

Early career researchers, PhD students and Master students participating in the conference are encouraged to take the opportunity to join the connected Summer School ‘Analyzing Classroom Interactions’, to be held July 6-10, 2020, in Groningen, the Netherlands.

The deadline for submission of proposals is February 15. For more information and submission, visit the conference website!

Last modified:02 June 2020 3.02 p.m.
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