Uniterms - the glossary for UG and higher education terms
The University's own glossary for UG and higher education terms is finally here: meet Uniterms. Do you know the English word for 'bijzonder hoogleraar'? Or the official translation of 'leeruitkomsten'? Worry no more, Uniterms is here to help.

Uniterms is a collaboration between the Language Centre Translation and Correction Service (UVC), the Language and Culture Policy (LCP) programme and Centre for Information Technology (CIT) . Thanks to financial support from the LCP project, CIT and the UVC have been able to develop new software and update and supplement the database.
Uniterms contains Dutch and English terms that are used within the University of Groningen as well as other higher education terms. The UVC translators have collected these terms over a period of 30 years, thus laying the foundation for Uniterms.
Uniterms does not aim to be an exhaustive dictionary but rather a useful list for everyone who regularly uses UG or higher education terms in Dutch and English. The aim is that the database will continue to develop and contribute to the consistent translation of higher education terminology across Europe. Please help us to expand the database by providing us with your suggestions via the feedback form in Uniterms.
A convenient add-on is available for Word and Google Docs in order to help you choose the right higher education terms in Dutch and English. More information on how to use this add-on can be found below.
We would like to dedicate Uniterms to our colleague Dr Julia Harvey, coordinator of the UVC within the Language Centre. Julia was the founder of this terminology database and a great advocate of consistency in higher education terminology. Julia passed away on 8 August 2019.
Take the quiz!
Which are the correct Dutch translations of the following UG terms? Take the quiz to test your knowledge! Would you like to try out the Dutch to English language combination too?Then visit the Dutch page. Answers can be found in Uniterms.
1. Institute of Education
2. Professor by special appointment
Bijzonder hoogleraar
Hoogleraar met een leerstoel
3. Programme Committee
4. Learning outcome
5. Inaugural lecture
Verdediging van het proefschrift
Opening van het academisch jaar
Opening van een collegereeks
6. Clerkship
7. Invigilator
8. Supervisory Board
Raad van Toezicht
Raad van Commissarissen
College van Toezicht
Commissie van Toezicht
9. Consultative participation
Raadgevende rol
10. Administrative Secretary to the Board of Examiners
Secretaris van de Examencommissie
Ambtelijk secretaris van de Examencommissie
Bestuurslid van de Examencommissie
Eerste secretaris van de Examencommissie
Using Uniterms
Uniterms can be accessed via three options:
1. Online through your internet browser
2. By downloading the Uniterms Word add-on (available for UG staff)
- Type in ‘Uniterms’ in the search bar in the bottom-left of the screen
- Click on ‘Uniterms Installer’
- Open a Word document
- Uniterms can now be found in the top-right corner of the menu bar
3. By downloading the Uniterms Google Docs add-on (available for UG staff)
- Open a Google Doc
- Select Add-ons and then Get add-ons
- In the G suite Marketplace menu (top left), select Rug.nl apps (the last option)
- Select Uniterms
- Click Install
- If asked, give permission
- Select your account
- Click Add-ons and start Uniterms
If you have any questions regarding Uniterms, please send an email to translation rug.nl.
Last modified: | 09 December 2019 08.48 a.m. |
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