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Two winners Pieter Boekeprijs

12 November 2019

On 4 November, prior to the Pieter Boekelezing, the Pieter Boekeprijs was awarded. The prize is awarded every two years for the best dissertation in the field of psychotherapy.

For the first time in the history of the Pieter Boekeprijs there are two winners: Suzy Matthijssen for her dissertation entitled: "Enhancing Trauma Treatment: Exploring working mechanisms and testing a novel route" and David van den Berg for his dissertation entitled: "Trauma-Focused Treatment in Psychosis ”.

The Pieter Boekelezing is organized on behalf of the Pieter Boeke Foundation by Training Institute PPO, in collaboration with Studium Generale Groningen and VIP, the study association for Psychology in Groningen.

The lecture and the prize are named after Prof. P.E. Boeke, former professor of Clinical Psychology at the RUG, in honor of memory. For more information about the price and the lecture, visit the PPO site.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.56 a.m.
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