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University Museum reopening during 405th UG anniversary

Taking a spaceship to the Dead Zoo
27 May 2019

The University Museum Groningen will reopen on Thursday 6 June with two new exhibitions: Spaceship Earth , which was put together specially for the UG’s anniversary, and the exciting Dead Zoo. In addition, the book De rebelse held [‘The rebel hero’] written by guest curator Eva Rovers will be presented.

Spaceship Earth

The exhibition Spaceship Earth, compiled by guest curator Eva Rovers, challenges visitors to take a look at the world through the eyes of an astronaut. It is a journey from the macrocosm to the microcosm that makes you realize that everything is connected. At every ‘stop’, a historical object from the University collection tells a contemporary story about the richness and vulnerability of the earth.

The design of the exhibition is in the hands of five young artists from Groningen who have turned these ‘stops’ into spectacular Cabinets of Curiosities. This design was inspired by a curiosity cabinet by Boudewijn Büch, which by way of rare exception has been made available for exhibition (courtesy of the Teylers Museum). This exhibition was supported by the University Library, the Vereniging Vrienden Academisch Erfgoed Groningen [Friends of the Groningen Academic Heritage Association] and the Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation.

Book presentation: De rebelse held

The exhibition will be accompanied by Eva Rovers’ book De rebelse held [‘The rebel hero’], a volume of provocative letters to the creator of the concept of Spaceship Earth: the eccentric, almost forgotten inventor, architect, car designer, philosopher and futurist Richard Buckminster Fuller – also known as ‘the Leonardo Da Vinci of the twentieth century’. Over half a century ago, he developed numerous eccentric solutions to today’s problems, varying from climate change and failing democracies to the dark sides of the tech revolution. He invented flying cars, self-sufficient houses and a bizarre map of the world in order to keep ‘Spaceship Earth’ liveable, now and in the future.

Dead Zoo

In addition to Spaceship Earth, the University Museum Groningen will present a second new exhibition, entitled Dead Zoo. This exhibition will centre around the University Museum’s impressive zoology collection that has been compiled by numerous scientists. In a virtual journey through Africa, America, Oceania, Eurasia and the underwater world, visitors get to meet colourful birds, rare spiders, beautiful fish, scary predators and much, much more.

Information and admission

The exhibitions will be open to the public from 6 June until 27 October 2019, every Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon to 5 p.m.


  • Children up to age 18: Free
  • UG/UMCG staff and students: Free
  • Students of other universities and universities of applied sciences: € 2.50
  • Adults: € 5
Poster Spaceship Earth
Last modified:11 May 2020 4.25 p.m.
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