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Lustrum ticket sales have started!

Lots of names revealed; activities for everyone!
04 April 2019

From Wednesday 5 until Saturday 15 June, Groningen will be celebrating the 405th anniversary of the University of Groningen. With the slogan ‘All Inclusive’, guests will be able to enjoy a compact but very varied programme, filled with interesting activities and events for everyone. Tickets are now on sale for most events!

Conference 'Growing together: celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion'

This academic conference will launch the anniversary celebrations. Renowned scientists from all over the world are coming to Groningen to share their visions on inclusivity, diversity and its social impact.

Jonathan Jansen from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa is one of the keynote speakers, and will give a talk on “diversity in a dangerous world”. Other prominent guests include Kimberlé Crenshaw and Clarice Gargard.

The Night of Arts and Sciences

The tried-and-tested concept returns! The entire city centre, from the Academy Building to the Der Aa-Kerk and the Groninger Museum, will be brimming with activities and events. Lectures, street theatre, academic debates, demonstrations, music, cabaret... you name it! Performers include rapper Rico, Greg Shapiro and Roxeanne Hazes!

Now that's what I call a gala!

The gala gets a make-over! We are pulling out all the stops to make sure that this will be a huge party for students and staff alike. Get ready to be wowed by Superstijl and Joost van Bellen in MartiniPlaza!

Dress code: Nineties!
Mind code: The Future!

Theatre show: Totally Shifted

For two weeks, the Grand Theatre will be the 360-degree backdrop for a dazzling musical theatre performance by the producers of Uut de Hoogte, Sneuwitje en een stuk of zeven dwergen and Mussengang. We follow a confused professor on his nocturnal journey through vibrant Groningen; we take a peek inside student houses and pop in on their angry neighbours, visit pubs, societies and – of course – experience the harsh realities of life on the streets. You will have more than 20 chances to see this show: make sure you don’t miss it!

Throwback Saturday: alumni day

This promises to be a fun reunion day for anyone who studied in Groningen. The day starts with lunch at the Grote Markt. You will then have the chance to visit your own faculty, or take a bus tour along the old and, in particular, the new University locations. We’ll be bringing the day to a close with a drink in Broerstraat.

Tickets now on sale!
Last modified:19 September 2023 11.22 a.m.
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