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Professor Feringa receives Honorary Doctorate from the University of Johannesburg

03 April 2019

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) bestowed an Honoris Causa degree on the 2016 Nobel Prize winner Professor Feringa in recognition of his sterling international recognition in Chemistry. This is the first Honorary Doctorate for Ben Feringa. The awarding took place during a ceremony in Johannesburg on 2 April 2019.

Ben Feringa between other Honorary Doctorate Degree recipients at the University of Johannesburg
Ben Feringa between other Honorary Doctorate Degree recipients at the University of Johannesburg

Feringa has been a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Groningen since 1988 and his 1999 discovery of the 'molecular motor' is widely recognized as a spectacular scientific breakthrough. Feringa has been awarded with many prizes the last few years, among which the Spinoza prize, the 'Dutch Nobel Prize'.


This Honorary Doctorate demonstrates the appreciation of the UJ for and recognition of his discovery of the light-driven ‘molecular motors’ that can transport themselves through the bloodstream in order to deliver drugs to previously unreachable locations in the human body, with a high degree of accuracy.

Professor Debra Meyer, the Executive Dean of Science at UJ: “As a synthetic organic chemist, Professor Feringa’s mission of serving humanity through innovation is in line with that of our University. His molecular motors for drug delivery is undeniably unique and innovative, and promises to revolutionize treatment options for various diseases. In addition his values of imagination and engaging meaningfully with others, are in line with those of UJ. And is credited for why so many postgraduate students comment on their experience of his supervision as making science accessible and tangible, and thereby contributing to a preferred student experience, something we as an institution also espouse as our claim to fame.”

“Professor Feringa has an undoubtedly stellar career and we envision, that in the ÚJ he will serve as motivator to up and coming researchers, an advisor in research fields already under development within our Faculty of Science (which coincidentally are directly in line with his areas of interest), and an overall indicator of what hard work and dedicated science can achieve. He has my highest recommendation for an honorary doctorate in our Faculty.”

Last modified:30 April 2020 3.47 p.m.
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