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Hanze University of Applied Sciences, UG and partners sign Groningen student and young people housing covenant

20 November 2018

The University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences, together with the Municipality of Groningen, housing providers and students, have signed the Groningen Student and Young People Housing Covenant 2019-2022. The covenant lays down the contributions that each party must make to achieve sustainable, affordable and proper accommodation for Dutch and international students and young people in general in the city of Groningen.

The covenant includes short-term as well as long-term agreements, thus laying the basis for a plan of approach that will set out each party’s further duties and responsibilities. The Municipality of Groningen will coordinate the activities.

The participating parties are: the Municipality of Groningen, Hanze Univesity of Applied Sciences, the University of Groningen, housing corporations Lefier, Nijestee, De Huismeesters and the Stichting Studentenhuisvesting, the Groninger Studentenbond and the Erasmus Student Network.

Last modified:12 March 2020 9.23 p.m.
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