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Starting 10 December: Use your access card

06 December 2018

On Monday, 10 December, the access gates at the University Library City Centre will be activated again for an extended test period. This means you will need your access card to enter and exit the library.

The University Library City Centre is a public building. Everyone who currently has access to the building, can still enter through the gates. Exceptions are the so-called UG only-weeks in exam periods, in which only University of Groningen students and staff or other library card holders may enter the building.

The permanent activation of the access gates will allow us to monitor the amount of visitors present in the building. This is important in emergency situations.

Loss and theft of your card

When you lost your card, you can request a statement of enrollment at the Central Student Administration. The UL issues a temporary visitor's pass on presentation of the statement of enrollment and your ID.

UG staff can obtain a temporary visitors’ pass from the UL Reception upon presenting their ID and P-number.

Access to the UL City Centre per target group:

  • UG: University card (students and staff)
  • Hanze: Hanze card (except for during the exam periods)
  • UMCG: UMCG card
  • Members UL: membership card
  • Visitors without a pass: You can obtain a free visitors' pass at the Reception. If you would like to have access to material from the closed stacks, you can purchase a day pass for € 2,50.

DO NOT share your access card with someone else! If your access card is checked-in twice, it will be blocked when exiting the building.

More information

Last modified:13 January 2020 11.39 a.m.
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