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Continuation of collaboration in Yantai

20 April 2018

In early 2018, the Board of the University decided against submitting an application for a branch campus offering several UG programmes at UGY in China to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The Board did not receive enough support for the plan from the University Council, and observed that the consultations about Yantai had not gone smoothly in the preceding years. The plan gave rise to heated discussion within the University. The fundamental principles of the plan were debated, but the final deal-breaker was the University Council’s practical evaluation of the plan: too top-down, too expansive, too fast and too uncertain in terms of risks and opportunities. The Board of the University therefore decided to withdraw its plan. The Board is keen to evaluate the process with the University Council to see if there are lessons to be learned for the future.

The Board then explored possible alternatives for collaboration with the Committee of Deans, the Supervisory Board and the partners from China Agricultural University (CAU). Instead of a branch campus offering full programmes, it was decided that the Faculties would be given the opportunity to develop their own partnerships between the UG and CAU on the campus in Yantai, with support from the UG. Such partnerships would cover research activities (joint research centres, double degree PhD programmes, research with industry) and related teaching activities (double degree, exchange and small-scale 3+1 programmes).

The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) has already indicated that it is willing to do this with research groups and programmes keen to accept the challenge. If they are interested, other Faculties will be encouraged to explore the possibilities of collaboration. In this way, we can gradually build up experience so that in future, a better, more substantiated application for Transnational Education (TNE) can be drawn up for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and put before the University Council for approval.

As requested by CAU, the Board of the University will write a state-of-affairs letter explaining the situation and proposing that FSE and CAU gradually develop partnerships on the campus in Yantai. Ongoing agreements will continue, on the understanding that approval for TNE from the University Council and the Minister are now a legal requirement.

After discussion with the University Council on Thursday 19 April the Board of the University concludes that there are no obstacles to sending the announced letter. The Board of the University has registered the objection of the majority of the University Council to offering entire degree programmes in Yantai, but observes that there is room for FSE to explore the possibilities for further collaboration with CAU in Yantai.

The Board of the University will make a copy available for inspection at the next meeting with the University Council.

Last modified:23 April 2018 11.51 a.m.
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