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UG Green Office organizes ‘Limits to Limits’ Sustainability Debate

15 February 2018

On Friday 23 February 2018, the Green Office of the University of Groningen and the Groninger Debating Society Kalliope will host the first National Sustainability Debate. The theme of this public debate in the Academy Building is ‘Limits to Limits’ and admission is free. The panel and audience will discuss people’s willingness to change their current way of life for the sake of a sustainable future.

Poster Sustainability debate

These days, sustainability is seen as normal and is gradually playing a larger part in our lives. And yet we are still told that things are not changing fast enough and that we must join together to do more to tackle issues such as climate change. During the debate, members of the panel, students and other participants will try to find out how far we are prepared to go with sustainability: what are we willing to do for a more sustainable future, what are we not prepared to do and why? Do we need a nudge or more legislation, or can we organize sustainability ourselves?


A panel of experts from different backgrounds will begin an interactive discussion with the audience by making various statements. The panellists include campaigner Kees Kodde from Greenpeace, Nienke Homan, from The Province of Groningen, Leonie van der Steen, director of Squarewise, and Marco Kwak, Business Development manager at Attero. Science journalist Anne Gimbrere, well known from television, will lead the debate. As there are only 200 seats in the hall, we ask you to register in advance on the Green Office’s website or Facebook page ( You have until 19/2 to sign up.

The Sustainability Debate will take place in the auditorium of the University of Groningen's Academy Building (Broerstraat 5). It starts at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6.30 p.m.) and is scheduled to finish at around 9 p.m.

Last modified:21 April 2020 1.38 p.m.
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