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Rubicon grant for Ellen Dingemans

21 April 2017
Ellen Dingemans
Ellen Dingemans

Ellen Dingemans has been awarded a Rubicon grant by NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). Dingemans will go to the University of Manchester’s School of Social Sciences for 15 months to research paid employment after retirement in Europe. Dingemans is a researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), which is associated with the UG.

More and more people in Europe are taking on paid employment after they retire. Dingemans will research the variation in the country-specific pension context and the type of work to see if they can explain whether continuing to work after retirement is good or bad for general wellbeing.

Experience at a top institute abroad

The NWO Rubicon programme enables young researchers to acquire international research experience at a top institute abroad to help kick-start their academic careers.

A total of 22 Rubicon grants were awarded in this round by NWO. Applications were submitted by 78 researchers. The awardees can use their Rubicon grant to finance up to 24 months of research. The amount of the grant depends on the chosen destination and the duration of the stay.

The Rubicon programme is named after the river that Julius Caesar crossed before embarking on the series of victories that eventually led to the well-known phrase veni, vidi, vici.

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Ellen Dingemans

Last modified:14 April 2020 12.58 p.m.
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