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Susanne Scheibe Associate professor Lifespan development and organizational behavior

28 March 2017
Susanne Scheibe

Susanne Scheibe has been appointed as associate professor Lifespan development and organizational behavior at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, department of Organizational Psychology of the University of Groningen as of February 1, 2017.

Her research focuses on the ways in which stable and dynamic aspects of emotional functioning change across adulthood, and how such changes affect people in work settings. Current projects focus on age differences in workplace affect and emotional reactivity to stressful work events; links between age, emotional job demands and occupational well-being; and emotion regulation as a resource for older workers’ maintenance of health and effectiveness at work.

Originally from Germany, Susanne Scheibe studied psychology at Humboldt University Berlin and was a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Stanford University. In 2016, she was awarded the prestigious NWO VIDI grant for her research on the emotional benefits of growing older at work. This semester, Susanne Scheibe is visiting professor at the University of Leipzig.

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