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UG staff and students join torchlight protest against Groningen gas extraction policy

08 February 2017

On Tuesday evening, 7 February, a torchlight march was held in central Groningen, in protest of the gas extraction policy. Members of the Board of the University joined the march, together with many UG staff and students, to express their concern. An estimated 4500 people participated in the march, including comedian Freek de Jonge, his wife Hella, Groningen Mayor Peter den Oudsten , the King's Commissioner for Groningen René Paas and members of parliament Emile Roemer (Socialist Party leader) and Gert-Jan Segers (Christian Union leader).

On Wednesday, 8 February, the leading candidates of several Dutch political parties will participate in a debate on subjects including those relevant to the Northern region, to be held at the provincial government building.

See also: Aardbevingen tasten gezondheid aan

Fot Torchlight Protest
Last modified:27 February 2019 12.33 p.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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