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NWO Vici grant for Hedderik van Rijn

17 February 2017

Prof. dr. D.H. (Hedderik) van Rijn, Department Psychometrics & Statistics, Faculty Behavourial and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen is granted a prestigious Vici grant by NWO for his proposal 'The stopwatch in our brains'.

He is one of the four academics from the University of Groningen who have been awarded EUR 1.5 million each, to be spent on five years of research and the establishment of their own research groups. NWO awards VICI grants on the basis of the researchers’ quality, the innovative nature and academic impact of their research proposal and application of knowledge. The VICI grants are intended for ‘excellent, experienced researchers who have successfully developed a new research line and thus established themselves prominently at both national and international levels’, says NWO.

The stopwatch in our brains
Prof. D.H. (Hedderik) van Rijn (m), RUG – Psychometrics & Statistical Techniques
Optimal human behavior strongly depends on the accurate estimation of short intervals. Yet, scientists don't know how the stopwatch in our brain functions. In this project, scientists will construct a computer-model of our brain and explain how we can utilise time for optimal behavior, and how to become better timers.

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Hedderik van Rijn
Hedderik van Rijn
Last modified:20 June 2024 07.56 a.m.
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