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Large grant for Dutch-Caribbean research into effects of father absence for youth

06 December 2016
Curacao - photo

Father absence appears to have a crucial impact on sexual and social development of youth in Western cultures. However, on Curaçao, father absence is very common and culturally approved. Whether and if so, how, father absence affects sexual risk taking and results in lower wellbeing and impaired educational success, might thus differ across cultures. Researchers from the research unit Youth Studies at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Greetje Timmerman, Tina Kretschmer, and Diana van Bergen, together with Odette Girigori and Bram Buunk from the University of Curaçao received NWO grant funding of €599.100 to study the consequences of father absence across different cultural contexts.

The project ‘Father absence and consequences  for reproductive behavior and  psychosocial development among Caribbean, Caribbean-Dutch and native Dutch youth’ is one of 9 large research projects announced by Jet Bussemaker during her work visit to Curaçao. The funding will go to two postdoctoral researchers and a PhD student who will conduct the study amongst Curaçaoan, Curaçaoan-Dutch and Dutch youth in the coming five years. The societal impact of the project is promoted through regular exchange and presentation of research findings, both on Curacao and in the Netherlands. The researchers partner up with policy makers, youth workers, and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports on Curacao.

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