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A successful first young alumni meeting!

27 October 2016

On Tuesday October 25th, the first meeting for young University of Groningen (UG) alumni took place. Nearly 80 alumni from various fields of studies came to the Van Swinderen Huys in Groningen to learn how to present with humor from Gijs Nillessen, alumnus communication and information studies and owner of Speak Art. Using funny examples (mini-course 'How to walk to your glass of water?'), assignments and practical tips Nillessen explained the requirements for a good presentation, and how to play with the expectations of the audience. It was an informative and enjoyable evening, and we will definitely follow up on it.

The UG believes it is important that alumni stay in touch with both university and with each other. To support alumni's career and personal development, but also to keep alumni involved in the university, and for socializing. Therefore, this first meeting especially for young alumni was organized.

In collaboration with her former students, the University aims to provide a professional and social network by setting up a young alumni network. By organizing informative social events the network will provide the opportunity to connect with other young alumni who are in the same (career)phase. But also to develop new skills and actively get started with your career.

Need more information about the young alumni network or want to help develop the network? Please contact us via Alumni Relations & Fundraising.

Young alumni event
Young alumni event
Last modified:22 December 2022 12.22 p.m.
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