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Opening of the academic year in Martinikerk

05 September 2016

Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken officially opened academic year 2016-2017 during a ceremony at the Martinikerk this afternoon. In his speech, Sterken discussed matters such as the importance and influence of digitization on society and the key roles of academic teaching and research. Read Sterken’s entire speech here.

Max van den Berg
Max van den Berg

A highlight of the festive ceremony was the presentation of the Ubbo Emmius medal for services to society to Max van den Berg, former King’s Commissioner for Groningen. Van den Berg was awarded the medal for devoting his entire career to the public interest, at regional as well as national and European levels. His contributions to the promotion of the interests of the population and civil society of Groningen have been invaluable. In his word of thanks, Van den Berg praised the collaboration between the city, the province and the University: ‘International allure and regional embedding. The University has brought the world to Groningen – ever since 1614.’

Two Spinoza Prize laureates

After his opening speech, Sterken cleared the floor for Lodi Nauta and Bart van Wees, the two University of Groningen professors who were awarded Spinoza Prizes in 2016. The Mallinckrodt Prize, the Nicolaas Mulerius Stipendium and the Societal Impact Prize were also presented during the ceremony. The winners, Femke Stock, Michel Vols and Steven Forrest, discuss their research in the videos below.

Alumnus of the Year

The event was concluded with speeches by Luuk van Middelaar, Alumnus of the Year 2015, and by Mario Panizza, Rector of the new Roma Tre university in Rome.

Last modified:14 April 2020 10.34 a.m.
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