New initiative: Health Communication Platform
A new initiative is launched, the Health Communication Platform. With this platform, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Medical Sciences join forces to establish a multidisciplinary knowledge center about health communication.
According to Tom Koole and Debbie Jaarsma, the founders of this platform, the main aims are to use the expert communication knowledge of the Faculty of Arts for communication research and to improve and optimize communication skills training at the UMCG. To accomplish this goal, their future perspective is to cooperate with among others several faculties of the University of Groningen, patient organizations, the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and other researchers in the Netherlands and abroad. With this platform, Tom Koole and Debbie Jaarsma would like to have an impact on the society by improving health communication.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 november 2019 11:04 |
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