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Cooperation agreement RUG-PBL signed

03 July 2014

The University of Groningen and the PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) intend to work together more closely on innovative research. During a workshop on June 23 at the Academy Building, the Director of the PBL Maarten Hajer and Executive Chairman of the University Sibrand Poppema signed a cooperation agreement. This agreement formalizes the fruitful cooperation between the University and the PBL in recent years around the development of new assessment methods between economics on the one hand, and nature and landscape on the other. The new online method to measure the experience of natural places - the so-called hotspot monitor - is one of the concrete results (

In the coming years, both parties will work together on widening availability and use of these data. Also areas of cooperation, such as research on Sustainable Landscapes, health and environment, and research around the planned construction of windmills in the Netherlands will be explored. More information via Frans Sijtsma of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen ( f.j.sijtsma ; +31 6 409 88442).

Maarten Hajer (PBL; via video), Sibrand Poppema (RUG), Inge Hutter (RUG) and Keimpe Wieringa (PBL) (Foto: Sterre Kerkhof)
Maarten Hajer (PBL; via video), Sibrand Poppema (RUG), Inge Hutter (RUG) and Keimpe Wieringa (PBL) (Foto: Sterre Kerkhof)
Last modified:07 August 2020 2.10 p.m.
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