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Results SustainaBul Award

12 June 2014

The University of Groningen takes in 8th position in SustainaBul: thé ranking for sustainability within higher education institutions. This is 5 positions higher than last year. The ceremony took place June 11th, 2014 at the Radboud University in Nijmegen.

The SustainaBul checks for sustainability and transparency about this within four themes: Education, Research, Operations and Integral approach. Institutions fill in a questionnaire, and provide a document as evidence for each answer they give. By a team of independent rankers, these answers are checked, after which points are rewarded. The institution with the highest amount of points, tops the SustainaBul ranking. Carrying out the SustainaBul is made possible by the DuurzaamDoor program of

Next to the questionnaire, the SustainaBul wants to facilitate knowledge exchange. “The current leaders want to take the followers with them, and the other way around, the followers want to learn from institutions who rank high,” says Sybren Bosch, chair of Morgen. “The SustainaBul visualizes the prestations per institution, which makes learning from each other more easy. Only by learning from each other, the sector as a whole can grow on a faster pace. Taking part is therefore really more important than ending high!”

The following 15 institutions have been awarded a SustainaBul.
1 Wageningen University Gold
2 Hogeschool Utrecht Gold
3 Hanzehogeschool Groningen Gold
4 Radboud University Nijmegen Gold
4 Eindhoven University of Technology Gold
6 Maastricht University Silver
7 Hogeschool Leiden Silver
8 Groningen University Silver
9 Utrecht University Silver
10 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Silver
11 Erasmus University Rotterdam Bronze
12 Twente University Bronze
13 Delft University of Technology Bronze
14 HAS Hogeschool Bronze
15 University of Amsterdam Bronze

In total, 22 institutions took part in the SustainaBul 2014.

Last modified:13 March 2020 12.41 a.m.
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