Genoom Nederlandse volk ontrafeld

"De stamboom van het Nederlandse volk is ontrafeld door onderzoekers van vijf universiteiten onder leiding van professor Cisca Wijmenga van het UMCG in Groningen. De vroege geschiedenis kan worden herschreven en ziektes zijn beter te voorspellen" Zie krant artikel - interview met Cisca Wijmenga over het Genoom van Nederland, door A van Wijngaarden, Dagblad van het Noorden, 30 juni 2014, blz 4.
Zie ook UMCG persbericht
Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Dutch population
The Genome of the Netherlands Consortium
Published online: 29 June 2014| doi:10.1038/ng.3021
`Paul de Bakker, Cisca Wijmenga and colleagues report on The Genome of the Netherlands Project, including whole-genome sequencing of 769 individuals of Dutch ancestry from 250 parent-offspring families and construction of a phased haplotype map. Their intermediate-coverage population sequencing data set provides a complementary resource to other publicly available data sets, including the 1000 Genomes Project.´
Whole-genome sequencing enables complete characterization of genetic variation, but geographic clustering of rare alleles demands many diverse populations be studied. Here we describe the Genome of the Netherlands (GoNL) Project, in which we sequenced the whole genomes of 250 Dutch parent-offspring families and constructed a haplotype map of 20.4 million single-nucleotide variants and 1.2 million insertions and deletions. The intermediate coverage (~13×) and trio design enabled extensive characterization of structural variation, including midsize events (30–500 bp) previously poorly catalogued and de novo mutations. We demonstrate that the quality of the haplotypes boosts imputation accuracy in independent samples, especially for lower frequency alleles. Population genetic analyses demonstrate fine-scale structure across the country and support multiple ancient migrations, consistent with historical changes in sea level and flooding. The GoNL Project illustrates how single-population whole-genome sequencing can provide detailed characterization of genetic variation and may guide the design of future population studies. full text in Nature Genetics
The Genome of the Netherlands Consortium includes: Freerk van Dijk, Pieter B T Neerincx, Patrick Deelen, Joeri van der Velde, Morris A Swertz, and Cisca Wijmenga from the Dept of Genetics, UMCG
Laatst gewijzigd: | 21 maart 2016 12:29 |
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