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Snijders-Kouwer Award for Jonna Brenninkmeijer

14 april 2014

At the Heymans symposium 2014 the Snijders-Kouwer award for best international scientific article of a PhD student of the Heymans Institute, was awarded to dr. Jonna Brenninkmeijer, former PhD student and now external researcher for Theory and History of Psychology.

Neurofeedback as a dance of agency dr. Jonna Brenninkmeijer,  former PhD student and now external researcher for Theory and History of Psychology
Reference:  Brenninkmeijer, J. (2013). Neurofeedback as a dance of agency. BioSocieties, 8, 144–163. doi:10.1057/biosoc.2013.2

The poster award

Stacey Sanders has won the poster prize 2014 for her poster presentation: 'Only Harm the Abusive Boss: Employee Deviance as a Response to Abusive versus Ethical Supervision and the Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt'

Only Harm the Abusive Boss: Employee Deviance as a Response to Abusive versus Ethical Supervision and the Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt Stacey Sanders (PhD student) Interpersonal Behaviour
Co-authors: Barbara Wisse and Nico W. Van Yperen

Employee deviance may have costly consequences for organizations. Previous correlational research suggests that this undesirable employee behavior may have its roots in how employees are treated by their leaders: abusive supervisors elicit more employee deviance than ethical supervisors do. The present research puts forward the anticipation of experiencing guilt as a mechaniexplaining why employees deviate against abusive bosses but not against ethical ones. In a series of five studies we demonstrate that leaders’ treatment (abusive vs. ethical) is a precursor of employees’ supervisor-directed deviance and that employees' anticipatory guilt mediates this relationship. Our findings add to the literature by providing causal evidence for the relationship between supervisor behavior, anticipated guilt, and employee deviance, and suggest that affective forecasting can be considered a critical factor in explaining employee behavior.      

Laatst gewijzigd:20 juni 2024 07:56

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