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Rubicon grants for five Groningen researchers

02 July 2013

Five promising young researchers from Groningen have been awarded grants in the Rubicon programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). In this round, 90 young researchers applied for a grant; 17 grants were finally awarded, across all universities and research institutes.

Dutch researchers who have recently been awarded a PhD can use the grant to gain experience doing research abroad, whereas foreign researchers can use the grant to conduct research in the Netherlands. Successful candidates are awarded a grant for a variety of reasons, with the prime factors always the quality of the research proposal, researcher and research institute. The feasibility of the proposal and willingness of the researcher to travel also play a role in the evaluation.

Successful University of Groningen projects

Gaat asymmetrie bij celdeling verloren gedurende veroudering? [Is asymmetry during cell division lost as a result of ageing?]

Dr A.C. (Anne) Meinema (m), RUG –> ETH Zürich, Institute of Biochemistry (CH), 24 months

When a cell (e.g. a stem cell) divides, an unknown barrier causes asymmetry between the two resulting cells, with one prone to ageing, while the other remains young. In this project, yeast is used to investigate how ageing influences the functioning of the barrier and to study the basic process at the molecular level.

Kwetsbare of onverstoorbare gemeenschappen? Waarom sommige ecosystemen door invasies overrompeld worden en andere niet [Vulnerable or invulnerable communities? Why some ecosystems succumb to invasions while others do not]

Dr M.J.J. (Maarten) Schrama (m), RUG -> University of Manchester, Faculty of Life Sciences, (GB), 24 months

Human disturbance of ecosystems results in an increase in invasive species, often with far-reaching, negative consequences. In this study, a clever field experiment should help explain why some ecosystems are more susceptible to this than others.

Sociaal gedrag onder de schijnwerpers [Social behaviour in the spotlight]

Dr R. (Romy) Wichmann (f), RUG -> MIT, Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Cambridge, (US), 24 months

Social interaction is often disturbed in people suffering from psychiatric disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and depression. Using photosensitive ion channels and a recently developed miniature microscope, the researchers will attempt to gain a better understanding of how communication within the brain can influence communication between individuals.

From working space to theatre space: the user perspective

Dr M.L (Marlieke) Wilders (f), RUG -> Politecnico di Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (IT), 24 months

The researcher will analyse how reusing industrial buildings as theatres changes how these are experienced. In addition, the reverse will be investigated: how the industrial character of a building influences the theatre experience for visitors. This knowledge should be useful for optimizing design strategies.

Panorama's en territorium in het landschap van Pergamon [Panoramas and territory in the Pergamon landscape]

Dr C.G. (Christina) Williamson (f), RUG -> Brown University, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World (US), 24 months

What do panoramas have to do with state formation? This research hopes to show that they were closely linked in the landscape of Hellenistic Pergamon (Turkey), then the capital of a kingdom. Many of today’s archaeological sites have spectacular views which at the time formed a visual power network.

The entire list of successful applications can be found on the NWO website: Rubicon grants July 2013

Last modified:19 February 2021 2.39 p.m.
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