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Guide to Higher Education 2013: Master's in Nanoscience and Astronomy right at the top

18 April 2013

The University of Groning has scored highly in the new Master's Guide 2013. In the Best Universities ranking list, Groningen is in the top 3, just under Maastricht and Nijmegen. And of the five university degree programmes in the Top 11 of the best individual Master's degree programmes in Higher Education (HBO and WO) two are from the University of Groningen – Nanoscience and Astronomy. According to the Guide, Nanoscience is the best University Master's programme in the Netherlands.

The Guide includes descriptions of all 1,300 Higher Education Master's programmes offcially registered in the Netherlands. A quality assessment is given for 800 of these programmes.

In general, small-scale intensive degree programmes turn out to be the best. This definitely applies to the eleven programmes judged to be the very best – with one exception (Management Nyenrode, 243 students), they all have a very limited number of students. The Groningen Nanoscience programme has fourteen students and Astronomy nine.

The Guide to Higher Education 2013 is available to subscribers online from today and will appear in bookshops on 25 April. The Guide is compiled by an independent editorial board and based on the quality assessments of students and experts.

Last modified:13 March 2020 02.14 a.m.
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