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Exploring the molecular functions of major murein and pseudomurein cell wall-binding domains

12 October 2012

PhD ceremony: Mr. G.R.R. Visweswaran, 14.30 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dissertation: Exploring the molecular functions of major murein and pseudomurein cell wall-binding domains

Promotor(s): prof. J. Kok, prof. B.W. Dijkstra

Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The ultimate objective of the thesis of Ganesh Visweswaran is to study the molecular functions of major murein (also called peptidoglycan) and pseudomurein cell wall-binding domains and their role in these domain-containing proteins. To be more specific LysM of L. lactis, a peptidoglycan binding domain and PMB of M. thermautotrophicus, a pseudomurein cell wall-binding domain were biochemically and functionally characterized. He has biochemically and functionally characterized two different types of cell wall-binding domains of bacteria and archaea.

Last modified:13 March 2020 12.59 a.m.
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