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Summer 2012

20 June 2012

Unifocus: our new online video magazine

The University of Groningen is very proud to present its new online video magazine: ‘Unifocus’. Every edition consists of three or four short videos with background information on research, education, student life and cooperation with trade, industry and other organizations. In the next edition: the first international student in the University Council, Dead Sea Scrolls coming to Holland, and the new University Sport Science

Ritwik Swain
Ritwik Swain

In the spotlight: Ritwik Swain, the first international student ever in the University Council

" I envision Groningen as an international hub of education and research - which will be great for the locals, Dutch people and internationals." > read the interview with Ritwik

VIDI grants for econometrist Spierdijk and business expert Beugelsdijk

Two professors from the University of Groningen, Professor Laura Spierdijk and Professor Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, have each been awarded an € 800,000 VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). NWO awards VIDI grants to researchers conducting demonstrably innovative research. Spierdijk’s research contributes to the discussion about the reformation of the banking sector, and Beugelsdijk researches the relationship between culture and economics. Last month another six University of Groningen researchers received this prestigious grant. > read more

Mastering the art of cycling

cycling courses for international students

Children learn from shared reading

Children benefit from being read to aloud. It develops their language and reading skills and also helps them to build knowledge. Myrte Gosen studied the learning process of preschool children during interactive reading aloud sessions (known as shared reading). ‘Young children prove to be capable of astonishing things if teachers allow them to actively participate when they read them stories". > read more

London Alumni meeting of the Faculty of Economics and Business

On Tuesday 12 June, about 12 alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business gathered for their first Alumni Meeting in central London. The London alumni were briefed on current developments at the faculty as well as informed of the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the merger of Economics and Business into one faculty. In attendance were both younger alumni and veteran alumni working and residing in London. During the course of the evening, our alumni were able to interact and network with eachother.

2.3 million EURO for innovative neutron microscope

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has announced that Delft University of Technology, University of Groningen and Eindhoven University of Technology will receive a joint subsidy of 2.3 million Euros from the programme Investments NWO Large. The universities will use the funds to build an innovative neutron microscope. The microscope allows researchers to see the exact positions and motions of atoms and molecules in materials. This knowledge can for example be applied for the development of high-tech materials and for constructing molecules that bring medication to the right location in the human body. > read more

LARMOR neutron microscope by Nick Webb, ISIS
LARMOR neutron microscope by Nick Webb, ISIS

Successful students and committed teachers: University of Groningen gets performance targets on track

Successful students and committed teachers are the essence of the performance agreements that the University of Groningen wants to enter into with the Education Ministry. But the ambitions also embrace other themes found in the 2010-2015 Strategic Plan, such as the promotion of the social themes of Healthy Ageing, Energy and Sustainable Society and strengthening excellence in research. > more about the performance targets


Seagrasses and more in leading scientific journal Science

The University of Groningen has an increasing number of research results being published in the leading journals Nature and Science. Last week an article appeared in Science about how seagrasses can survive at the bottom of the sea despite lethal concentrations of sulphides. > more about this article

Summer Academy on Biotechnology

Summer Academy on Biotechnology and Society in Africa 2012

The University of Groningen last week welcomed 16 experts from 10 African countries to the Netherlands for the first Summer Academy on Biotechnology and Society in Africa. The on-going Academy held between 12- 21 June, 2012 will have a broad scope and will address food sovereignty and food security by dealing with biosafety issues. It aims to identify gaps of knowledge with respect to societal and institutional conditions in the African context. > more about the Summer Academy

Coming up soon: the 2012 QS World University Rankings by Subject

In the QS Subject Rankings the University of Groningen will be appearing inside the top 200 and the top 150 for quite a number of subjects. In three areas the University of Groningen even belongs to the world top 100. Find out more on 28 June, when the 2012 QS World University Rankings will be published...

Did you know?

  • The parents of one of our Astronomy students flew in all the way from Kazachstan to visit the University Parents' Day. They were impressed by the high quality of the Astronomy Department.
  • Today our Rector will hand out the 100th swimming diploma for international students at the Willem Alexander Sports Centre.
  • The editors of Worldwide Newsletter wish you a good summer holiday!
Last modified:19 March 2020 09.33 a.m.
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