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Heinrich Woertche - INCAS³ - The Request for Beyond Intelligent Sensors

22 mei 2012
The task of sensors has gradually gone from measuring devices for physical quantitates to devices deeply involved in the daily life of humans, assisting them in an increasing variety of tasks. The development of embedded systems on the micro and even nano scale are strongly stimulating this development and provide opportunities for novel approaches to complex sensoric problems. It is in the heart of INCAS³ to develop these approaches to the field prototype level and make the technology available for economical and societal applications. I will present our approach to combine knowledge from classical technological domains like natural sciences and engineering, with the knowledge of artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences.  I will put special emphasis on our motivation and on our attempts to reach beyond intelligence and to add cognitivity to sensor systems.
Laatst gewijzigd:10 februari 2021 14:56
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