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Colloquium Mathematics, Odo Diekmann

24 april 2012


Join us for coffee and tea at 15.45 p.m.



Date: Tuesday, April 24th 2012

Speaker: Odo Diekmann (Utrecht)

Room: 5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg)

Time: 16.15





Title: Delay Equations




A delay equation is a rule for extending a function of time towards the

future, on the basis of the known past. Renewal Equations prescribe the

current value, while Delay Differential Equations prescribe the

derivative of the current value. With a delay equation one can associate

a dynamical system by translation along the extended function.


I will illustrate by way of examples how such equations arise in the

description of the dynamics of structured populations and sketch the

available theory, while making a plea for the development of numerical

bifurcation tools.


The lecture is based on joint work with Mats Gyllenberg, Hans Metz and

many others.





Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. A.C.D. van Enter (e-mail : and

Dr. A.V. Kiselev (e-mail: a.v.kiselev )

Laatst gewijzigd:10 februari 2021 14:28

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