Dissipativity-based control of nonlinear power systems: applications to harmonic control and power factor compensation
PhD ceremony: Mr. D. del Puerto Flores, 11.00 uur, Aula Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Proefschrift: Dissipativity-based control of nonlinear power systems: applications to harmonic control and power factor compensation
Promotor(s): prof.dr.ir. J.M.A. Scherpen
Faculteit: Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
The power factor quantity captures the energy-transmission efficiency for a given ac load; consequently compensation of the power factor corresponds to increasing the transmission efficiency. One of the most cited power quality problems is harmonic distortion resulting in ac power systems operating under nonsinusoidal conditions and therefore decreased efficiency of power transmission by means of power losses. Harmonic distortion is partly due to reactive power components of ac power systems and power electronic components in the equipment. Therefore, harmonic control and power factor compensation design are important challenges to the area of electrical power conversion and transmission.
Despite the fact that actual ac power systems are highly complex and inherently nonlinear, harmonic control and power factor compensation are most often developed and studied using linear signal-based approaches and/or ad-hoc definitions of reactive power. In this research, a control systems perspective which is not restricted to linear elements and systems is taken. The energy conservation and power flow in the ac power system are used as a starting point of the analysis, and the system theoretic notions of dissipativity, passivity and cyclodissipativity are being used for developing new and improved analysis and design methods for power factor compensation and harmonic control schemes.
Last modified: | 13 March 2020 01.11 a.m. |
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