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Colloquium Mathematics, Prof. G.J.B. van den Berg

22 november 2011

Join us for coffee and tea at 15.45 p.m.



Date: Tuesday, November 22nd 2011

Speaker: Prof. G.J.B. van den Berg
VU Amsterdam

Room: 5161.0267 (Bernoulliborg),

Time: 16.15



Title:Braids in dynamics




Pieces of string or curves in three-dimensional space may be knotted or
braided. This physical idea can be used as a topological tool to study certain
types of dynamical systems. In particular, such an approach leads to forcing
theorems in the spirit of the famous "period three implies chaos" for
interval maps. Applications to ordinary and partial differential equations
will be discussed.






Colloquium coordinators are Prof.dr. A.C.D. van Enter (e-mail : and

Dr. A.V. Kiselev (e-mail:


Laatst gewijzigd:10 februari 2021 14:28

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