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Promotie: E. Newman, Higher Education Policies and Funding Mechanisms. Towards Effective Mechanisms for Financing Higher Education in Ghana Based on International Experiences

07 juli 2011
Promotie: E. Newman, Higher Education Policies and Funding Mechanisms. Towards Effective Mechanisms for Financing Higher Education in Ghana Based on International Experiences Contents


Op 7 juli om 16.15 uur hoopt drs. E. Newman te promoveren op het proefschrift getiteld:


Higher Education Policies and Funding Mechanisms. Towards Effective Mechanisms for Financing Higher Education in Ghana Based on International Experiences.


Promotores: prof.dr. W.H.A. Hofman en prof.dr. C.W.A.M. van Paridon.


Locatie: Doopsgezinde Kerk

Laatst gewijzigd:20 juni 2024 07:36
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