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Parental divorce and adolescent excessive drinking: role of parent - adolescent relationship and other social and psychosocial factors

21 March 2011

PhD ceremony: Ms. Z. Tomcikova, 16.15 uur, Zittingszaal, Oude Boteringestraat 38, Groningen

Title: Parental divorce and adolescent excessive drinking: role of parent - adolescent relationship and other social and psychosocial factors

Promotor(s): prof. S.A. Reijneveld

Faculty: Medical Sciences


Parental divorce is associated with excessive alcohol use among adolescents in Slovakia, according to Zuzana Tomcikova, who conducted research in her country of origin. Risky drinking behaviour was higher prevalent among adolescents whose parents were divorced. Other factors that were associated with drinking included a higher standard of living, more social support among friends, a negative self esteem, and a lower quality of parent-adolescent communication . In contrast, social support within the family and a positive feeling of wellbeing were associated with less alcohol use. The findings stress the importance of good relationships between divorced parents and their adolescent children for developing healthier lifestyles.


Last modified:13 March 2020 01.11 a.m.
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