Use of custom-made orthopaedic shoes
PhD ceremony: Mr. S.J.J. van Netten, 16.15 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Title: Use of custom-made orthopaedic shoes
Promotor(s): prof. K. Postema, prof. J.H.B. Geertzen
Faculty: Medical Sciences
Every year, about 60.000 people in the Netherlands receive a pair of orthopaedic shoes. They are prescribed to patients with different foot problems, including pain and wounds. Since mixed stories were heard in clinical practice, the use and usability of orthopaedic shoes was studied by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the UMCG. For his dissertation Jaap van Netten held a survey among more 300 patients in The Netherlands. Almost all patients were using their orthopaedic shoes after three months, and 1.5 years later, most patients still used them.
Patients who used their orthopaedic shoes more often had a more positive opinion on all factors of usability, such as effectiveness, ease of use, and cosmetic appearance, as compared to patients who hardly used their orthopaedic shoes. Furthermore, expectations and acceptance of orthopaedic shoes were important. When a patient has false expectations about the shoes, it is most likely that they will not be used. The same holds for patients who do not accept their orthopaedic shoes. It is essential to take into account patient preferences, expectations, and acceptance in the communication between the patient and prescribing clinicians to make sure that a pair of orthopaedic shoes is made that will be used.
Last modified: | 13 March 2020 01.13 a.m. |
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