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Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis. Melinda Mills

18 januari 2011

Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis. Melinda Mills

Aantal pagina's 288

Publicatiejaar 2011
ISBN  9781848601024 (paperback)
ISBN 9781848601017 (hardcover)

Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis is an accessible, practical and comprehensive guide for researchers and students who want to understand the basics of survival and event history analysis and apply these methods without getting entangled in mathematical and theoretical technicalities. Inside, readers are offered a blueprint for their entire research project from data preparation to model selection and diagnostics.

Engaging, easy to read, functional and packed with enlightening examples, 'hands-on' exercises and resources for both students and instructors, Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis allows researchers to quickly master these advanced statistical techniques. This book is written from the perspective of the 'user', making it suitable as both a self-learning tool and graduate-level textbook.

Introducing Survival Analysis and Event History Analysis covers the most up-to-date innovations in the field, including advancements in the assessment of model fit, frailty and recurrent event models, discrete-time methods, competing and multistate models and sequence analysis. Practical instructions are also included, focusing on the statistical program R and Stata, enabling readers to replicate the examples described in the text.

This book comes with a glossary, a range of practical and user-friendly examples, cases and exercises, and is accompanied by a wide range of supportive materials to download at the companion website, including the example data sets and programming files, plus study and teaching material.  

Laatst gewijzigd:20 juni 2024 07:34

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