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Opening Reality Center

27 May 2010
Opening movie Reality Center
Opening movie Reality Center

With some great festivities the renewed Reality Center was opened. After a short introduction by Cees Sterks and Frans van Hoesel the guest were divided into four groups for the various presentations. One of the presentations was about Covely Noord, who used our 3D facilities during the construction of new building for lifesciences, saving a lot of money by doing so. Next up was the mobile planetarium, an inflatable dome in which groups of up to 20 people can enjoy the wonders of the universe.

In our reception room Groningen Seaports gave a presentation of how they use our software and models of Eemshaven and Delfzijl. The fourth presentation was our own with an impressive movie which we create especially for this event.

Afterwards drinks were served and walk-in demonstrations were given with the maptable (used for GIS applications) and with the multitouch user interface from the informatics department.

Last modified:02 October 2015 10.24 p.m.
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