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Top Dutch politicians to debate in Academy Building Aula

19 May 2010

The national political party leaders will debate in Groningen on Thursday 27 May. The debate will take place in the Aula of the Academy Building of the University of Groningen from 4 to 6 p.m. The organization is in the hands of the three northern provinces and SNN (Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland), the Northern Netherlands Assembly. The debate will be broadcast live by Omrop Fryslân, RTV Drenthe, RTV Noord, as well as on the Politiek24 theme channel and the University website.

The first part of the debate will be about national affairs and will be moderated by the television presenter Joost Karhof. The second hour will be about regional matters which are influenced by national politics and will be led by Dieuwke Kroese (Omrop Fryslân) and Edwin Pasveer (RTV Noord). Renowned University of Groningen academics and young political talents will then comment on the debate, with Cunera van Selm as their moderator. This discussion will take place in the Academy Building restaurant.

The participants will be Jan Peter Balkenende (CDA), Job Cohen (PvdA), Femke Halsema (GroenLinks), Alexander Pechtold (D66), Emile Roemer (SP), André Rouvoet (ChristenUnie) and Mark Rutte (VVD). The national affairs to be debated will include ‘a future for young and old’, ‘education/knowledge’ and ‘economic renewal’. The regional subjects include ‘underground C02 storage’, ‘new power stations in the Eemshaven harbour’, and ‘the shrinking population’.

Only ticket holders will be allowed to attend. Unfortunately no more tickets are available. However, those without a ticket can watch the debate live in the Offerhauszaal at the Academy Building.

Last modified:13 March 2020 01.58 a.m.
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