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Synthesis and application of flavin based oxidation catalysts

19 March 2010

PhD ceremony: Mr. C. Smit, 14.45 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Thesis: Synthesis and application of flavin based oxidation catalysts

Promotor(s): prof. A.J. Minnaard, prof. M.W. Fraaije

Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences


The PhD research focused on investigating the activity of a number of different catalysts, based upon vitamin B2in oxidation reactions. Special focus was on the effect that the shape of the catalyst had on the activity in the reactions. The catalysts were furthermore tested in a range of reactions that normally function with hydrogen peroxide.

Further investigation showed that certain products that were formed could be used for a subsequent reaction in the same reaction mixture. In this fashion selective reduction reactions were performed under mild conditions.

As there are numerous proteins that contain vitamin B2 analogues, the synthesized catalysts were reintroduced into one of these. Application of these systems on oxidation reaction led to a preference for certain products.


Last modified:17 November 2015 12.59 p.m.
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