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Een echte Overijsselschman. Frederik Allard Ebbinge Wubben (1791-1874): burger, bestuurder en historicus in een rurale omgeving

25 February 2010

Promotie: dhr. K. Tippe, 14.45 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
Proefschrift: Een echte Overijsselschman. Frederik Allard Ebbinge Wubben (1791-1874): burger, bestuurder en historicus in een rurale omgeving
Promotor(s): prof.dr. M.G.J. Duijvendak, prof.dr. D.J. Wolffram
Faculteit: Letteren
Contact: Klaas Tippe, tel. 0577-492455 (thuis), e-mail:

Frederik Allard Ebbinge Wubben (1791-1874): a citizen, councilor and historian in a rural world

Frederik Allard Ebbinge Wubben (1791-1874) was active in several areas, as a citizen, member of committees and societies, mayor and town clerk, water board director, notary, member of the States-Provincial (provincial council) and as a historian. His record of service caused Thorbecke to characterize him as an ‘echte Overijsselschman’ (real man of the Dutch province of Overijssel). In this thesis I have used him and his activities to precise our knowledge of the development of rural life in the Netherlands.

This thesis is meant to give an insight into the changes in the opinions about citizenship and the changes in the political situation in the rural Netherlands during the first half of the nineteenth century. The main question of this thesis is: What position did F.A. Ebbinge Wubben as a country dignitary occupy in his environment during the first half of the nineteenth century? The term ‘environment’ must be taken literally as well as figuratively. It not only includes Staphorst, the region and the province, but also the networks and organizations in which Ebbinge Wubben was engaged. In an analysis of Ebbinge Wubben’s actions in his environment some key words come to the surface: taking action, mediating, pragmatic and ideological. This thesis is a study of a man, his environment and a time. As such the example of Ebbinge Wubben makes further research appealing.

Last modified:13 March 2020 01.16 a.m.
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