2008 Willoughby Prize for Anatole Boute
Anatole Boute, a Ph.D. researcher at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law, of the Department of European and Economic Law has been awarded the 2008 Willoughby Prize 'for the articles of outstanding merit' he published in 2008. The prize was awarded for the articles:
'Improving the Climate for European Investments in Russian Electricity Production Sector: The Role of Investment Protection Law' and 'Improving the Climate for European Investments in Russian Electricity Production Sector: The Role of Regulatory Convergence' published in the 'Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law' (Vol. 26, issues 2 and 3).
Willoughby Prize is established by the Energy, Petroleum, Mineral & Natural Resources Law & Policy Trust in memory of Geoffrey Willoughby (1936-1989), one of the leading contributors to the development of energy law in the UK.
The Faculty of Law congratulates Mr. Boute with this achievement.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 januari 2024 09:44 |
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