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First REALaw Research Forum

Top-Down and Bottom-Up
01 mei 2009

The Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw;, in cooperation with the Department of Administrative Law & Public Administration of the University of Groningen and the Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law and the Europa Instituut of Utrecht University, is organising a one-day conference in Groningen. The aim of it is to give researchers dealing with any aspect of European administrative law the opportunity to present their work (in progress) and to encourage exchange between scholars in the field of European administrative law. Theme of the conference is the mutual (top-down and bottom-up) relation of EU administrative law and national administrative law. Selected papers will be presented. In order to facilitate (round table) discussion between the participants of the Forum, introductions will be limited to 5-10 minutes for each paper. You can participate in the discussion on 3 June 2009 by sending an email to The registration fee of €100 will include coffee, tea, lunch and post-forum drinks, as well as copies of all papers submitted. You may forward your payment to (ING Bank) bank account number 409786 ( IBAN = NL41INGB0000409786 & BIC = INGBNL2A409786) of the ‘Stichting Bestuursrecht & Bestuurskunde’.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 januari 2024 09:41

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