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Second Open Lecture credit crisis: how will the financial crisis end, and can it happen again?

22 October 2008
Prof.dr. Harry Garretsen
Prof.dr. Harry Garretsen

The second speaker in the open lecture series on the credit crisis was prof.dr. Harry Garretsen of the Faculty of Economics and Business. After the first lecture by prof.dr. Elmer Sterken, in his lecture Harry Garretsen answered questions like: is the current banking crisis also a financial crisis? What lessons can we draw from earlier crises? How will this financial crisis end, and can it happen again in the future?
After the presentation there was time for discussion and to ask questions.

More open lectures on the credit crisis theme will follow!

Tuesday 28 October

prof. Jaap van Manen over corporate governance van financiële instellingen

Thursday 6 November

prof. Robert Lensink over de effecten van de crisis voor ontwikkelingslanden  

Last modified:06 December 2019 11.51 a.m.
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