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Minister Cramer sees Eemshaven in 3D

11 October 2007
Minister Cramer at the 3D show
Minister Cramer at the 3D show

On 8 October 2007, Jacqueline Cramer (Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning) visited the Eemshaven, one of the two northern industrial harbours in the Netherlands that are managed by port authority Groningen Seaports.

The main event was the official opening of the Ecological Zone in the Eemshaven, designed to protect fragile plants and animals in this industrial area.

3D view of the Eemshaven
3D view of the Eemshaven
After the opening ceremony, Minister Cramer attended a 3D presentation of the future of the Eemshaven, presented by Harm Post, CEO of Groningen Seaports, in cooperation with HPC/V.
Minister Cramer at the opening of the Ecological Zone
Minister Cramer at the opening of the Ecological Zone
The 3D presentation was followed by several presentations on current developments in both the Eemshaven and Delfzijl seaports. The focus was on sustainable energy, industrial waste management systems and CO2 reduction.
At the opening of the Ecological Zone
Photographs courtesy of Koos Broertjens (
Last modified:04 August 2020 4.31 p.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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