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Exhibition 'Images of Leadership: Ivan IV and Vladimir Lenin' by Students of RUG Honours Master programme

When:Th 09-07-2015
Where:University Museum display-window, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat (located between University Museum and the corner of Broerstraat)

As part of the Images of Leadership project of the RUG Honours College Master programme, four master students present a small exhibition about the changing images of two Russian leaders: Ivan IV (1530-1584) and Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924).

How did Ivan IV and Lenin represent themselves? And how were they represented in later times? One of the students in the project: "Both Ivan IV and Lenin have taken trouble in creating a certain image of themselves. It is interesting to see how these images live on and how they change over time. An image of a dead leader is often adapted by a successor and used for his or her own ends. The exhibition shows how a person can become an idea, and how such an idea can change over time."

The exhibition is made by F rank Lanting, Bart Verschoor, Marc Wever en Christiaan Serbanescu-Kele, under supervision of lecturer Birgit van der Lans (History). The exhibition was made possible by the Universiteitsmuseum, the Stichting Groninger Universiteitsfonds, the Nederland-Ruslandcentrum en the RUG Honours College.

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